by Irfan Sulistyawan



Advantages of using the SKY-NETWORK application:1. Check HD-HK faster, PV and Profit per product are also listed.2. Calculator features HD, HK, Profit and PV.3. Price List available in 5 Regions + Region Info.4. Check Postage feature (Domestic and International) and can select several frequently used expeditions.5. Track Package feature.6. Check Postage in Total Shopping + Share Total Shopping feature.6. Login Member or Stockist area is simpler, without the need to type the url address in the browser.7. Career Path Content.8. Light application alias does not require a lot of storage.9. Can be used offline (without internet connection), except for the Check Postage feature (must be online).10. Update the Latest Price which is very easy.Simple and easy 😊